Holy Fire® Reiki Sessions
Reiki Sessions
A Reiki session with Margey feels like a relaxing retreat, and simply requires that you be present in the moment.
Margey will ask if there is something specific that you would like her to work on, though you don't need to have anything particular in mind.
Margey allows the Reiki energy to guide and direct her to where any specific areas of healing are needed, whether they be mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Everyone’s experience of Reiki is different. Some feel immediate relief while others will recognize relief with time. Some experience a warm sensation, others see images or colors, and others still find that they recall long-forgotten memories. Some even fall asleep, which is perfectly acceptable, as sleep is the body’s natural time for healing itself.
Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to experience Reiki. You need only keep an open heart and mind. Margey will take care of the rest.
The Reiki energy has a cumulative effect, and builds up each time you have a treatment....the more often you receive Reiki treatments, the more layers of healing, the better your results. Whether your goals are stress reduction, healing or simply relaxation and wellness, Reiki can support your goals effectively and gently. You can also surprise someone you love with the gift of Reiki today.
$80 for 1 hour session
*See Special Discount Packages below....
Long Distance Reiki
Because Reiki derives from Divine Universal Energy/Source Energy, you do not have to be physically present for Margey's healing to reach you. Reiki can be performed across long distances. You simply have to coordinate a date and time where you can sit or lie down comfortably to receive the healings she sends. Margey recommends long-distance healing just before bed, as sleep helps to ground you into the healing and provides rest and relaxation. If there is something specific that you would like Margey to work on, please tell her and she will concentrate Reiki on those areas, while allowing the Reiki energy to guide her.
$80 for 1 hour session
Client Referral Bonus
Refer 2 clients, and get a free 1 hour session!!
Make sure your referrals submit your name when making an appointment.
& Teens
Reiki Sessions
Reiki For Teenagers
Promotes personal development and growth, resulting in higher self-esteem and better human interactions
Empowers youths with a self-regulating tool for managing day-to-day stress and anxiety
Practiced with regularity, Reiki encourages a sustained positive outlook on life
Promotes faster healing for injured athletes, leading to better performance
Reduces exam stress which can positively impact test scores
Improves concentration which may reduce incidences of acting out in class
Enhances relaxation and sleep
Supports anger management
Manages emotional upset, thus reducing the urge for physical violence
Supports the management of ADHD or ADD and Autism
Lessens trauma and worry
Reduces anxiety and overwhelm
Restores sense of hope
Promotes creativity
Reiki can benefit babies, toddlers and children all through their teenage years.
Babies and toddlers love having Reiki and soak it up like a sponge as they have no emotional blockages which can slow the flow of Reiki energies. It can help babies with colic, reflux, teething and help them to sleep better.
Reiki can help children with ADD/ADHD, Autism, learning disabilities and cancer by rebalancing the energy field. In doing so Reiki can help with reducing a child's temper tantrums, irrational fears, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, illnesses, injuries, as well as the more challenging problems that children with special needs face. As children's bodies are much smaller, the treatments will also be shorter, around 20-30 mins or less.
Reiki can help children in many ways
Reiki provides a sense of inner peace
It improves concentration
Supports the management of ADHD or ADD
Supports the management of Autism
Promotes creativity
It enhances relaxation, sleep and relieving bad dreams
Promotes healthy coping skills
Relieves TMJ and Headaches
Relieves Anxiety, Fear,
Promotes self esteem
Helps Kids who have Suffered a Loss
Children’s Reiki Treatment
$45 for 30 minute session
Teen's Reiki Treatment
$45 for 30 minute session
$80 for 1 hour session
Reiki for Pets
$15 - 15 minute Reiki session
$30 - 30 minute Reiki session
Animals are naturally receptive to the Reiki energy and many tend to gravitate towards it readily. Just as with people, Reiki is not forced upon the animals, and will only be shared if invited. Some pets may initially prefer to experience the energy from a slight distance, rather than having the practitioner’s hands directly on or near them. Others may just bask in, and soak up the healing Reiki energy, even directing me to where they want to be treated.
Reiki sessions for pets typically last 15-30 minutes. The frequency of sessions depends entirely on each individual animal’s health status and needs. Some health issues can be resolved in two or three sessions, others may take ongoing sessions on a recurring basis. Frequency of sessions will be tailored to your pet’s individual needs.
Benefits of Reiki for pets:
Enhances overall well-being mental, physical and emotional.
Strengthens the immune system for cancer therapies, and helps alleviate or prevent the side effects of conventional cancer treatments and provides pain relief.
Accelerates healing following surgery or illness. Alleviates and prevents side effects of conventional medications and can provide pain relief and relaxation to facilitate and enhance the body’s natural healing response.
Increases trust and bonding between you and your pet.
People and pets often mirror each others’ physical and emotional states. Animals are natural healers and sometimes take on their person’s problems, often in an attempt to heal them. This happens because of the deep bond shared between a pet and his or her person. Because of the shared energy in such a close relationship, energy imbalances are shared as well. For optimum healing, joint treatments for people and their pets can often be beneficial. -
Promotes relaxation and stress reduction.
Provides comfort and relieves pain, anxiety and fear for terminally ill animals. -
Reiki is a wonderful way to facilitate the transition for terminally ill animals and their owners. Often, animals will not allow themselves to transition because they intuitively feel that their person is not ready to let them go. Joint Reiki treatments for the pet and his or her person can help both through this difficult time by enhancing the bond and allowing a gentle transition.
When we have an illness, condition, or malady, we also have a weakness in that area. Unhealthy spirits can attach to these weak areas, and make an unhealthy condition worse and more difficult to heal. Not only illness attracts these unhealthy spirits, but a person who is in the hospital for a surgery, or has been through a trauma like a car accident creates weakness as well. The unhealthy spirits take advantage of us by connecting through parts that are out of balance and need healing and will often falsely claim they can help us in some way.
In order to heal completely the spirit(s) must first be released, then the part of the client that is out of balance, and allowed the spirit(s) to attach, will be healed with the loving energy of the Holy Fire Reiki, preventing other unhealthy spirits from taking the place of the spirit(s) that were released.
The unhealthy spirit(s) will be taken to a place where it/they cannot harm anyone and will be given the opportunity to heal, as well.
This healing experience is very gentle, and feels like a cocoon of love all around you.
Healing Spirit Attachments can an be done alone or with a Reiki Treatment.