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April 1st, 2020...Time to Reset....No Foolin'

Writer's picture: Margey WhalenMargey Whalen

(I wrote this on 4/1/2020, but for some reason, I never published it. Time to put myself out there and Shine my Light and share from my heart.)

Welcome, my dearest Meditators, and Friends, to my FIRST newsletter/post/blog!! I have been thinking about creating and sending newsletters to help people come into, and stay in their highest frequency possible.….for years…..but I confess, I thought I just didn’t have much to say, and I know so many others that say what needs to be said so much better than I could…..but by not doing so, I am not sharing my Light, as I came here to do, and what better time to start doing the stuff we’ve been wanting to do, or meaning to do, than now, when we have all this TIME on our hands!!?? LOL.

Isn’t this surreal? The Whole World is on Hold!! This is the perfect opportunity to heal ourselves and humanity. Look at what has occurred. We have had to stop…..reevaluate….. and show up for our health and for the health of people we know and don’t know. We are being invited to look within, and reevaluate how we want to move forward.

For me, I planned on doing some major reorganizing and cleaning and lightening of the load so to speak….getting rid of stuff….but a week and a half ago my left food went out from under me while I was walking out my apartment, and I ended up with a sprang ankle and fractured and bruised foot. I have literally been forced to sit with my leg elevated up and rest during this time, as I can’t put any weight on it. I’m missing my morning walks and hikes, spending hours gardening in my garden plot, cleaning out stuff in my apartment and getting rid of stuff. I’m also missing the creative stuff I had planned on doing, but I can’t really do much in this reclined position.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, or the way we thought it would, and after asking myself what just happened, I realized that this was Divine intervention….to keep me home and sit in silence, and just connect to my inner self. We are all being asked to look within…. not outside ourselves…. but within ourselves.

I know everyone has had to let go of living their “normal” life, and has had to re-adjust to our new circumstance. You may now be working from home, or find yourselves without a job, you may feel isolated, you may not be used to having your children at home with you all day, and you may be trying to get back to normal. .......Slow down…… breathe deeply……. look within…… and do not be afraid. Look at your new circumstances as a gift, and as an opportunity to spend more time with the ones you love, take on-line classes, visit with friends on Zoom…..listen to uplifting music….

“Don’t worry…about a thing, cause every little thing’s gonna be alright.”

We are being given this opportunity to re-evaluate our life; to find balance in our life, with our family, work, relationships, our health and how we take care of ourselves, and our spiritual connection with the Divine. We’re being asked to let go of what doesn’t serve our lives anymore, so when life starts moving again, we will be in our new groove. THIS is the Big Reset!

I know many of you may be afraid, scared and fearful. There is a constant barrage of scary information being bombarded on us. These emotions, although valid, lower our frequencies when we stay there too long, and Fear will only lower our immune systems. Don’t go to the place of fear. Know that Fear is a choice. Choice LOVE instead. We are bonded together as a human race, reuniting as one family. So much has happened to divide us, to control us, to conquer us. But LOVE has won. There will be other pushes to continue to try and divide us, but return to LOVE…..and know that You ARE safe. You ARE protected. All of this transpiring now is to bring us back into a sense of community, a sense of caring for one another, a sense of Wholeness. Unity. Love. Close your eyes and feel it. Close your eyes and KNOW it. You are Safe. Do NOT be afraid. You are LOVED.

“It’s time to put the media on quarantine…..and raise our vibrations!”

-Ralph Smart

We are here for each other. As Mr. Roger’s mother would tell him in a time of crisis, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Give them a chance to help you, or maybe you can be the helper, and check in on your older neighbors.

I want you to know that I Love you all so much, and I’m so grateful you’re in my life, As a token of my appreciation that you’ve read through this long post, I want to offer to you this gift….to help you raise your vibrations, release what no longer serves you, and to help guide you in your Reset…..

a Guided Meditation I recorded last fall while in the Mountains.

Lifting you up in LOVE and LIGHT and ABUNDANT BLESSINGS,


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Margey Whalen

Los Angeles, CA


Tel: 310-880-2594

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© 2018 by Margey Whalen, Reiki Master Healer.

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